Saturday, July 17, 2010

She's Arrived!!!

Tannalee Marie Wildberger was born July 11, 2010 at 5:50am weighing 7lbs 10oz and 20 inches long. She didn't take long to get here, as we almost didn't make it to the hospital. My mom and dad got to Phoenix around 9am that morning, so mom missed the birth. They were here visiting until Thursday and then went to visit with my brother for a few days since he will be moving back to Minnesota in a couple of months. Meme got here on Wednesday and will be here for a couple of weeks. Amanda came to visit this past weekend and stayed for a few days. Its nice having family around to visit with. I am really going to miss everyone when it is just us 4 again. Janessa starts school on Aug 9 and I am going to be so lost without her. She has been a huge help for me. She loves to hold her baby sister and sings to her to soothe her. I will go back to work 2 weeks after she starts school. I have 5 weeks left and I have a feeling 5 weeks will go by really fast. But I am enjoying and cherishing every moment of it and creating memories with my girls.
After her first bath

With Meme

With Grandma

With Daddy

With Grandpa

Shortly after she was born

With her older sister

With mom right after she was born

Her birth weight

Her first picture

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Waiting for her arrival and new house pets

There are only a few weeks left until we meet little Tannalee Marie. We had an ultrasound on June 15 and at that time, I was 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant, but she was measuring 37 weeks and 4 days. Almost two weeks bigger. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and the doctor says that's why she is big. I have been put on 2.5mg of Glyburide that I take nightly and since it's controlled now, he's hoping her growth slows down. We have another ultrasound scheduled for July 6 to see how big she is. If, at that point, she is big, the doctor will probably decide to induce. He is already saying that he wants to deliver around 39 weeks, but I don't know if he is going by my due date of July 15th (LMP due date) or July 24th (8 weeks u/s due date). If he is going by the 15th, 39 weeks is only 2 days after the u/s, July 8th. If he is going by the 24th, the 17th would mark 39 weeks. But I honestly think she will be HUGE if we wait until the 17th. But we will know more on the 6th.
Caleb grew up in a house that loved animals and always had them around. Me, on the other hand, only had 1 cat, Amanda, which we only got to keep for a short period of time because we assumed my dad was allergic to cats. Turns out, it was from his semi tire accident. So from then on, all I had as "pets" was 2 goldfish, Mike and Eddy. Which died a few months after I got them. Since living with Caleb, I have had every pet you can name. From reptiles to rodents and cats to dogs. We still have TJ, she will be a lifelong member of our family. But since Janessa got rid of her bunny about a year ago, she has wanted to get another animal that is "just hers". So with her birthday money she got a gerbil. She named her Fancy and she is a cute little thing. She has a ball that she goes in once a day and roams around the house for exercise. It is adorable to see her zooming around. TJ was very curious about her when she first got here, but now she could care less. Janessa went to my parents house for 3 weeks and brought her with. My parents found her entertaining as well. But now they are back home and my parents always ask how Fancy is doing. THEN, last night Caleb and a couple of police officers raided a drug house and it was abandoned. But they left behind two little kittens, about 6 weeks. One was a male and one female. One police officer took the male and Caleb couldn't find it in his heart to leave the female behind. So he decided to take her home. Janessa instantly fell in love and between my husband and daughter, I couldn't say no. Janessa got to name her, and her name is Charlette. So we have a dog, gerbil and kitten. But they are all adorable in their own way.

June 12th we had family maternity pictures taken at JCPenny to remember the pregnancy and it has been long overdue for us to have pictures taken. We also got a pool to keep us cool during the hot Phoenix summers. I am posting pictures of both

The front of our house

View of the San Tan Mountains from the front of our house

Our new pool to keep us cool

Fancy the gerbil

Our new kitten Charlette

Me and Caleb making hearts on my belly

Janessa kissing her little sister

Janessa and Caleb

All 4 of us

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tannalee Marie Wildberger

We had our 20 week ultrasound on March 3 and we found out we are having another adorable little girl!! She's very healthy and already weighs in at 13oz. We have decided to name her Tannalee Marie. Caleb came up with the name and after switching a few letters and the spelling, I was on board. So we have been planning the nursery and theme and will be hitting the stores creating our baby registry. We are excited that we now know what to shop for. So now Caleb will have 2 Daddy's girls. As a follow up celebration, we went to the Zac Brown Band concert last night. It was really good and we all 3 (well 4) had a great time. The bass was lound and prevented Tannalee from going to sleep, so she was moving around and enjoying the show with us. I have posted the pictures from her ultrasound. Her heartbeat; very healthy little girl!

Her profile with her hand and little fingers

A good profile picture

Another profile; kinda crazy, looks like a real baby compared to what she looked like 10 weeks ago

Her 3D picture. You can only see the right half of her face because she is already taking after her father and didn't want her picture taken. She was blocking the left side with her hand.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Major Changes

It has been awhile since I last posted on here. A lot of changes in our family have taken place since. We now live in Queen Creek (soon to be San Tan Valley) which is east of Phoenix. We moved into a really nice 3 bedroom with den and a loft, 3 bathroom house thats 2500 square feet. We will need all of that room in July as we are expecting our second child!! We had our first ultrasound last week, and I will post the ultrasound pictures as soon as we get them scanned. It was so neat to see the heartbeat and the little girl or guy moving around. It's still hard to believe we are expecting since we have been trying for so long and at one point thought we were only meant to have one child. We find out the sex at the end of February/beginning of March. We are hoping for a boy, but will love and cherish whatever it is. Janessa is SO excited to be a big sister. She always tells me that when the baby comes out (she knows she isn't allowed in the delivery room) to tell him or her that she loves them. That just about brings me to tears. This little girl has wanted a younger sibling for so long and now she finally will. Speaking of little girl, just this past week she lost her left front tooth and the right one is ready to come out any day. I will have to post a picture of her cute smile, IF I ever get the digital camera from Caleb I have been asking for. There is Christmas and my birthday, so hopefully I will score a camera during one of those. I am still working in Chandler at Parc Place. It is going very well and I still love my job. Caleb has attended a security guard training class and now he is certified with an AZ Guard Card. So he has been looking for a security guard job. There are a good amount in this area, but finding them is the key. We are a few days away from spending Christmas in our new home and we are very excited for it. Have a Merry Christmas everyone and a safe New Year!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Now to find a house....

Great news, Kendra has got a job. She is working in Chandler at Parc Place which is a facility that houses troubled youth from ages 11-17. She does the medical billing. She started on 8/24 and absolutely loves her job and all of the people she works with. Her supervisor is the nicest lady ever and she really feels at home there. Right now she is staying with Larry & Leann until we find a house and get moved in. We will be saving up money for the deposits, moving truck, ect. So we are probably projecting a move around the end of October. She drives to Phoenix on Sunday and stays until she gets off of work on Friday. That isn't much time to spend with your family, but it is something. We are looking in the area of Queen Creek to rent. We know it is further out of town, but the sizes of the houses are really good and the price is even better. We have already looked into a Charter school for Janessa. It is Benjamin Franklin Charter School and it ranks in the top 10% for testing level in the state of Arizona. So anywho, that is what's going on with us now. Now Caleb just needs to find a job and we will be all set!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting closer!

Hopefully we are getting closer to living in the Valley of the Heat. Kendra had three job interviews the week of August 10th. There is one she is really hoping for but won't find out until 3 weeks if she got it or not. Please keep your fingers crossed. Until then we are still applying for jobs. In this economy you never know and you don't stop until you are finally employed and start your first day of work. So in the meantime we are enjoying quality family time. We are quite amazed with Janessa and everything that precious brain is learning. Earlier this week when Kendra picked her up from school, she stopped in to talk with her teacher. She said Janessa was a joy to have in class and always cracks her up. And when she tells Janessa that she cracks her up, Janessa responds with "You crack me up, Ms. Bernardo." We notified her of our intentions to move to Phoenix and said we would let her know when we are finally moving the wheels. She said she will really miss Janessa. I'm just hoping she gets into a good quality school like the one she's in. We heard Phoenix has the best Charter schools, so we are hoping to get her enrolled in one since that is the atmosphere she is already used to. She is well aware of the plans to move, but is excited to meet new friends. Normally a parent would worry about their child in a new school, but normal parents don't have an amazing child like Janessa. She meets friends very easily and fits in really well. There aren't any kids I know of at the school that she doesn't get along with. She is the kind of kid that will find another student playing alone and invite them to play with her, while still maintaining playtime with her usual friends. There is a bully that is in school and she really likes Janessa. Janessa doesn't allow her to push her around and yet at the same time realizes that everybody needs a friend. So she befriends her so the other girl has someone she can call a friend. We are very proud of her.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Job Hunting

This past year has been quite interesting for the Wildberger family. In January the shop where Caleb worked closed. He decided to join the Army, and after going back and forth through the process, it was discovered that with the economy, it isn't as easy to get into the military as before. Since he had a level 3 waiver, they wouldn't accept him until entry into the Army slows. By what we have been told, that probably won't happen until the economy gets better. This wasn't discovered until late May. So 5 months were waisted, but valuable life lessions were learned. In June Kendra was laid off from her job due to the economy. At that point we decided that moving was our only option. Sierra Vista is a beautiful place to live, but our career paths don't fit the job openings this town offers. After throwing around a few ideas, we have decided on going back to Phoenix. Kendra has gone on a few interviews, but nothing promising as of yet. She has put in quite a few resumes to places and she is getting a lot of response, so we are hoping it isn't long. Caleb has put in a few resumes, but there isn't as much in Phoenix for auto body as was before. The economy has done its number on that field as well. We are hoping to be in Phoenix by mid August as Caleb is wanting to enroll in the EMT courses offered by colleges in the Phoenix valley. Most of them start around that time and go until the beginning of December. Upon completion of the course, he is hoping to get a job with as an EMT. Then he will go through the rigorous application process to become a Phoenix firefighter.

Janessa will be starting school in Sierra Vista since we won't be moved to Phoenix until after the school year has started. School starts for her on August 5th at the Charter school. She is going into the 1st grade. We have been working with her for the past few weeks on reading and math. She is doing alright in reading, but excellent in math. I know they won't be teaching math for quite some time, but she already knows addition and subtraction very well. We bought her some workbooks in Target the other day and she is just about all done with the math ones. Once she completes them, we will get her the 2nd grade math books and see if she can do that. She's like her mom and loves numbers. We might have a future accountant on our hands! We have been trying to teach her to ride her bike without the training wheels, but that isn't going so well. But it takes some time to get used to balancing since she is still so used to the training wheels doing that for her.